There are a plethora of things you learn as you go, and finding the best breastfeeding clothing is something most mothers learn after they’ve given life. But wouldn’t it be handy to...
The Low Down - Antenatal Depression.
I came to learn about the mental illness when my friend emailed saying she’d been diagnosed. I immediately wanted to know more, because even though...
The Power of Mother – Six Very Different Birth Stories.
For the most part, women love to talk about their births (some wish to forget!), so at Cadenshae we thought we’d reach out to our amazing community...
Baby Is Almost Here! What Do I Wear?
In this guide you’ll figure out what to wear during: the last few weeks of pregnancy. labour. the first few weeks postpartum.
How To Balance the Work/Mum Life!
After having a child, we’re all in very different boats, some far more stable (financially speaking) than others.
The Expert’s Top Ten Tips for Breastfeeding!
For many women, breastfeeding can be too difficult a task. Some suffer from back-to-back bouts of mastitis, others have inverted nipples which can make every...
Incontinence - BE GONE!
Ahhhh incontinence…or perhaps you refer to it as, ‘oh no, I did wees in my pants again’ syndrome. As if pregnancy and birth wasn’t tough...
Can I Exercise When Pregnant?
I’m no professional athlete, but I do like to workout regularly, so, when I first fell pregnant, I thought about my exercise regime and how...
Is It Safe To Breastfeed When You're Sick?
I remember when my eldest boy was around four months old and I got the most horrific bout of ‘stomach flu.’ I think you can...
A Nutritionist’s Guide To Producing Quality Breastmilk.
Let’s be honest, this subject matter has been written about many, many times before…but how accurate is all the information we see? Has someone qualified...